Home Page / Undergraduate / 5th year

5th year : professionalization

All students are enrolled in the 5th year of the Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye Master’s degree, but also, on a secondary basis, in one of the Masters 2 or diplomas of one of its partner establishments or schools, in line with the specialization block courses of their 4th year.   At the end of the 5-year program, all students are awarded a double degree.

5th years’s goals :

During the 5th year, students get involved on the path of professionalization, with a compulsory long internship of 4 to 6 months.

The program

2 digital units to choose

Course name :
Fight against discriminations
Interview methods in social sciences
Decrypting underneath maps and data during the digital era
Legal analysis of political speech
Analysis of databases with Excel
Secularism today : practical aspects and stakes
Illustrator & Photoshop
Geopolitic 1


Competitive exams Prépa that can be followed instead of digital units

  • Specialization public law – i-EPrépa
  • Specialization civil law – i-EPrépa
  • Specialization criminal law – i-EPrépa
  • Journalism competitive exams Prépa
Course name

Grand Oral

Course name
Professional thesis or internship report 4th year
Course name
Course name

Ecologic transition stakes

Course name
Writing workshop
Mathematics workshop
Technology and utilization of audiovisual devices
Supervised physical education
French Sign Language
Exhibitions and spectacles
Unsupervised physical education