Home Page / Undergraduate / First year

First year basics

First year, as in every Sciences Po school, is a general year and teaches all students the basics in political science, law, contemporary history, sociology and economy.

First year’s goals :

The first year enables students to gain strong basics in social sciences. First year’s purpose is to develop a strong critical analysis upon the contemporary world thanks to the the learning of a strict methodology.

This first year is built around :
  • 8 fundamental courses and 8 methodological lectures (around 10 to 15 students per group)
  • 2 teaching units in foreign languages
  • 6 opening teachings

The program

Course name
Methods in law 1
Methods and stakes of micro-economy
Methods in contemporary History 1
Methods in political sociology
Methods in compared political institutions
Methods and stakes of macro-economy
Methods in contemporary History 2
Methods in political philosophy
Method in European studies
Course name
General sociology
Arts and politics
Digital sociology
Main political stakes of Anthropocene
Commonwealth civilization
Geopolitics 2
Course name
Debate in foreign languages (English / Spanish)
Language and civilization course (German / italian)

Third Language (for intermediate or advanced language only) :

  • Chinese
  • Russian
  • Arabic
  • Portuguese
  • Japanese
Course name
Writing workshop
Mathematics workshop
Technology and utilization of audiovisual devices
Supervised physical education
Oral and written methodology
French Sign Language
Exhibitions and spectacles
Unsupervised physical education